Modest swimsuits become hot summer topic
•Posted on July 06 2016

Taken from The Daily Universe (
by KINSEY RICHARDSSwimsuit trends in 2016 are making a splash this summer as swimwear is easier to find, but modesty is harder to define.

One-piece and retro high-waisted are this year’s must-have swimsuits, according to an article by Forward. This makes purchasing modest and fashionable swimwear much easier for women who prefer to cover up during swim season.
Online vendors Beverly Swimwear, Layers Clothing and Lime Ricki are just a few of the many companies that offer modest swimwear.

Layers Clothing owner Haylie Studebaker gave insight as to why she decided to create a modest swimwear line.
“Introducing a modest swimwear line to the world can be intimidating, but it’s our mandate to offer products for those who want and choose to cover themselves, but in a stylish way, of course,” Studebaker said.
Studebaker said she wants to offer both modest and functional swimsuits this season.
“We want women to have the desire to cover themselves. This doesn’t mean we think you should be wearing your grandma’s muumuu to the beach,” Studebaker said.
High-waisted swimwear is popular this year and more clothing companies have added this look to their swim lines, especially local clothing companies. Although it is a popular swim style in Utah County, the modesty of the high-waisted bikini and tankini top has been questioned.

McKale Simpson, a junior studying photography, doesn’t see a problem with high-waisted bikinis.
“When I look at high-waisted swimsuits I don’t often think they are immodest,” Simpson said.
Kendall Rhodus, a freshman studying psychology, provided her thoughts on swimwear in general.
“I just think that swimsuits need to cover everything, and that it needs to be a representation of who you are as a person,” Rhodus said.
Girls aren’t the only ones chiming in on swimsuit modesty — Dillon Ostlund, a junior studying English, thinks there is more to modesty than just the clothing.
“I think modesty is something seriously worth considering, not because a women’s value is attached to her wearing modest clothing, but because modesty has everything to do with self-worth. If you wear a certain swimsuit because it makes you feel beautiful or happy with your body, then wear it.”
After comparing statements made by multiple BYU students and LDS blog discussions online, what swimwear is and isn’t modest is not easily defined.
Simpson said she finds swimwear modesty to be more than just abiding by hemline standards.
“I feel like modesty is often considered to be the wimpy option, like you are too cowardly to show off what you’ve got,” Simpson said. “But really, modesty requires more courage to showcase your personality rather than your body — not to mention the time shopping.”